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Megan and Josh Granger

Superstar Consultant


My Story

How do you tell a story about something that is just every day life for you? I could say how much I love the products, but walk into my house and you can tell that. I could say how much I love the people, but look thru my social media and phone and you can see that. So instead I will tell you how Scentsy has changed my life. How Scentsy has changed my family's life. What do you do when you want to belong? When you want to feel good about yourself and what you're doing? When you want to stop living paycheck to paycheck? You set out on a mission.

In February of 2015, I did just that by joining Scentsy. I had no idea what I was doing. I figured worst comes to worst and I have a lot of product to use for myself but in the mean time I'm going to bring in some money for my wedding. Well, the wedding came and went and I was actually enjoying myself. Then all the sudden I had a baby on the way. Oh man was my life about to change! Now not only did I need and want ths business for me, but my family too.

Fast forward to now. It hasn't always been easy and there have been many times I wanted to quit, but here I am. I am proud of myself. I feel like I have a place and I belong. I have the confidence I lacked before. I am bringing in another income for my amazing family. I am a happy woman. 

This isn't all about selling wax warmers. This is about having a place. Creating memories. Building a legacy and that's exactly what I am doing in and out everyday.

Take a look around my site and let me know if you have questions! Remember, you too can make dollars out of scents!


What's warming in my home